Room Reservations
Secure Booking Process
Secure SSL Encryption Hotel Privacy Policy PCI DSS Compliant
Best Rate Guarantee
Best Rate Guarantee
Best Price Guarantee: We provide a Best Rate Guarantee on our official website to ensure that when you book directly with the hotel, you can be confident in receiving the most competitive prices. If, within 24 hours of booking under the same conditions, you discover a lower online rate for your room, we will happily refund the difference to you and give you a10% discount, subject to our terms and conditions. The Best Price Guarantee will not apply if the cheaper offer on the other website is obtained via a limited time promotion, promotional code, cash back, voucher or member’s discount. BENEFITS OF BOOKING DIRECTLY WITH US INCLUDE: • Best Rate Guaranteed. • Easy & Instant Booking Confirmations. • No Hidden Costs. • Sign up to our newsletter for special offers.